Maya Angelou once said, “a bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” Well, that, and maybe it wants a mate. But the point is, it sings.
So what about you? Have you found the reasons why music matters in your life? Do you need a reminder?
There is plenty of research to substantiate claims that music betters your brain. You could read about it here or here. You could also just try it for yourself.
But as a lifelong musician, songwriter, and teacher, I am far more interested in how music affects your heart. I wish for everyone to experience the way music heals us. It expresses how we feel, who we are, where we’ve been, and where we want to go. It brings us together as a community to celebrate or move through tough times. Sometimes we don’t even know what it’s telling us, but it just feels good to make music anyway.
I wonder... what song or artist/composer or album or performance resonates most deeply with who you are today? What music moves you, or reminds you of an essential truth? What music challenges you to try harder or grow? Feel free to use the comments section to share your thoughts.
If you’re looking for reasons to keep on singing, here are a couple of sources that have fired me up lately, and I'd love to hear about your latest inspirations as well...
* an hour of Winton Marsalis rhapsodizing (and playing) on why music is at the core of who we are as Americans;
* a touching children's story about how a tribe in East Africa sings to each child his own song, to help him remember who he is;
* a sappy pop song (thanks to a 1st grader at Park Hill School for sharing this!) that makes me feel happy.
Best wishes, dear reader. Keep on singing the songs in your heart. I can't wait to hear them. And maybe by sharing them, you will inspire someone else to sing the songs that are in his or hers.
Sincerely, Ms. Leslie Dawe, Songinflight Studio
So what about you? Have you found the reasons why music matters in your life? Do you need a reminder?
There is plenty of research to substantiate claims that music betters your brain. You could read about it here or here. You could also just try it for yourself.
But as a lifelong musician, songwriter, and teacher, I am far more interested in how music affects your heart. I wish for everyone to experience the way music heals us. It expresses how we feel, who we are, where we’ve been, and where we want to go. It brings us together as a community to celebrate or move through tough times. Sometimes we don’t even know what it’s telling us, but it just feels good to make music anyway.
I wonder... what song or artist/composer or album or performance resonates most deeply with who you are today? What music moves you, or reminds you of an essential truth? What music challenges you to try harder or grow? Feel free to use the comments section to share your thoughts.
If you’re looking for reasons to keep on singing, here are a couple of sources that have fired me up lately, and I'd love to hear about your latest inspirations as well...
* an hour of Winton Marsalis rhapsodizing (and playing) on why music is at the core of who we are as Americans;
* a touching children's story about how a tribe in East Africa sings to each child his own song, to help him remember who he is;
* a sappy pop song (thanks to a 1st grader at Park Hill School for sharing this!) that makes me feel happy.
Best wishes, dear reader. Keep on singing the songs in your heart. I can't wait to hear them. And maybe by sharing them, you will inspire someone else to sing the songs that are in his or hers.
Sincerely, Ms. Leslie Dawe, Songinflight Studio