It's pretty amazing what a group of 30 kids at a time can teach you about teaching! As I embark on this new adventure as a private music teacher at Songinflight Studio, I will always be thankful for my many wonderful students from Park Hill School and the lessons they have taught me. Here are a few:
- Meet students where they are, not where you expect them to be. I have learned over the years to be ready for whatever ideas, moods, and "spirit moves us" moments walk through my door. When I am open like this, I naturally tune into strategies that will help each student to move musically to where they want to be.
- Listen. Students, like all of us, just want to be heard. Music gives them a voice. Honor it.
- Performances are fun, and they really DO motivate students! We look forward to them, we work hard, and we like to celebrate.
- Diversity makes us stronger. You can do more in community than you can ever do alone. I think this picture here speaks volumes.
- When you find your edge, go past it. Mistakes are essential to learning. And sometimes I as a teacher would do well to remember this (and model it) a little more often!
- Are the students having FUN with their learning? If not, ask them what would make it more fun. They have some of the most creative solutions!
- Give thanks every day, and remember... there is always tomorrow.